// @ts-check
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const path = require('path');
const Util = require('../Util/Util.js');
const { messageType } = require('../Util/Constants.js');
const { IPCMessage, BaseMessage } = require('../Structures/IPCMessage.js');
const { ClusterHandler } = require('../Structures/IPCHandler.js');
const { Worker } = require('../Structures/Worker.js');
const { Child } = require('../Structures/Child.js');
let Thread = null;
* A self-contained cluster created by the {@link ClusterManager}. Each one has a {@link Child} that contains
* an instance of the bot and its {@link Client}. When its child process/worker exits for any reason, the cluster will
* spawn a new one to replace it as necessary.
* @augments EventEmitter
class Cluster extends EventEmitter {
* @param {ClusterManager} manager Manager that is creating this cluster
* @param {number} id ID of this cluster
* @param shardList
* @param totalShards
constructor(manager, id, shardList, totalShards) {
if (manager.mode === 'process') Thread = Child;
else if (manager.mode === 'worker') Thread = Worker;
* Manager that created the cluster
* @type {ClusterManager}
this.manager = manager;
* ID of the cluster in the manager
* @type {number}
this.id = id;
* Arguments for the shard's process (only when {@link ShardingManager#mode} is `process`)
* @type {string[]}
this.args = manager.shardArgs || [];
* Arguments for the shard's process executable (only when {@link ShardingManager#mode} is `process`)
* @type {string[]}
this.execArgv = manager.execArgv;
* Internal Shards which will get spawned in the cluster
* @type {number}
this.shardList = shardList;
* the amount of real shards
* @type {number}
this.totalShards = totalShards;
* Environment variables for the cluster's process, or workerData for the cluster's worker
* @type {object}
this.env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {
SHARD_LIST: this.shardList,
TOTAL_SHARDS: this.totalShards,
CLUSTER: this.id,
CLUSTER_COUNT: this.manager.totalClusters,
DISCORD_TOKEN: this.manager.token,
* Whether the cluster's {@link Client} is ready
* @type {boolean}
* Process of the cluster (if {@link ClusterManager#mode} is `process`)
* @type {?Child|?Worker}
this.thread = null;
this.restarts = {
current: this.manager.restarts.current,
max: this.manager.restarts.max,
interval: this.manager.restarts.interval,
resetRestarts: () =>{
this.restarts.reset = setInterval(() => {
this.restarts.current = 0;
}, this.manager.restarts.interval)
cleanup: () => {
append: () => {
* Forks a child process or creates a worker thread for the cluster.
* <warn>You should not need to call this manually.</warn>
* @param {number} [spawnTimeout=30000] The amount in milliseconds to wait until the {@link Client} has become ready
* before resolving. (-1 or Infinity for no wait)
* @returns {Promise<Child>}
async spawn(spawnTimeout = 30000) {
if (this.thread) throw new Error('CLUSTER ALREADY SPAWNED | ClusterId: ' + this.id);
this.thread = new Thread(path.resolve(this.manager.file), {
execArgv: this.execArgv,
env: this.env,
args: this.args,
clusterData: { ...this.env, ...this.manager.clusterData },
this.messageHandler = new ClusterHandler(this.manager, this, this.thread);
.on('message', this._handleMessage.bind(this))
.on('exit', this._handleExit.bind(this))
.on('error', this._handleError.bind(this));
* Emitted upon the creation of the cluster's child process/worker.
* @event Cluster#spawn
* @param {Child|Worker} process Child process/worker that was created
this.emit('spawn', this.thread.process);
if (spawnTimeout === -1 || spawnTimeout === Infinity) return this.thread.process;
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cleanup = () => {
this.off('ready', onReady);
this.off('death', onDeath);
const onReady = () => {
this.manager.emit('clusterReady', this);
const onDeath = () => {
reject(new Error('CLUSTERING_READY_DIED | ClusterId: ' + this.id));
const onTimeout = () => {
reject(new Error('CLUSTERING_READY_TIMEOUT | ClusterId: '+ this.id));
const spawnTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(onTimeout, spawnTimeout);
this.once('ready', onReady);
this.once('death', onDeath);
return this.thread.process;
* Immediately kills the clusters's process/worker and does not restart it.
* @param {object} options Some Options for managing the Kill
* @param {object} options.force Whether the Cluster should be force kill and be ever respawned...
kill(options = {}) {
* Kills and restarts the cluster's process/worker.
* @param {ClusterRespawnOptions} [options] Options for respawning the cluster
* @returns {Promise<Child>}
async respawn({ delay = 500, timeout = 30000 } = {}) {
if (this.thread) this.kill({ force: true });
if (delay > 0) await Util.delayFor(delay);
return this.spawn(timeout);
* Sends a message to the cluster's process/worker.
* @param {*|BaseMessage} message Message to send to the cluster
* @returns {Promise<Shard>}
send(message) {
if (typeof message === 'object') message = new BaseMessage(message).toJSON();
return this.thread.send(message);
* Sends a Request to the ClusterClient and returns the reply
* @param {Object} message Message, which should be sent as request
* @returns {Promise<*>} Reply of the Message
* @example
* client.cluster.request({content: 'hello'})
* .then(result => console.log(result)) //hi
* .catch(console.error);
* @see {@link IPCMessage#reply}
request(message = {}) {
message._sRequest = true;
message._sReply = false;
message._type = messageType.CUSTOM_REQUEST;
return this.manager.promise.create(message);
* Evaluates a script or function on the cluster, in the context of the {@link Client}.
* @param {string|Function} script JavaScript to run on the cluster
* @param context
* @param timeout
* @returns {Promise<*>} Result of the script execution
async eval(script, context, timeout) {
// Stringify the script if it's a Function
const _eval = typeof script === 'function' ? `(${script})(this, ${JSON.stringify(context)})` : script;
// cluster is dead (maybe respawning), don't cache anything and error immediately
if (!this.thread) return Promise.reject(new Error('CLUSTERING_NO_CHILD_EXISTS | ClusterId: '+ this.id));
const nonce = Util.generateNonce();
const message = {nonce, _eval, options: {timeout}, _type: messageType.CLIENT_EVAL_REQUEST};
await this.send(message);
return await this.manager.promise.create(message);
* @param {string} reason If maintenance should be enabled with a given reason or disabled when nonce provided
triggerMaintenance(reason) {
const _type = reason ? messageType.CLIENT_MAINTENANCE_ENABLE : messageType.CLIENT_MAINTENANCE_DISABLE;
return this.send({ _type, maintenance: reason });
* Handles a message received from the child process/worker.
* @param {*} message Message received
* @private
_handleMessage(message) {
if (!message) return;
const emit = this.messageHandler.handleMessage(message);
if(!emit) return;
let emitMessage;
if (typeof message === 'object') {
emitMessage = new IPCMessage(this, message);
if (emitMessage._sRequest) this.manager.emit('clientRequest', emitMessage);
} else emitMessage = message;
* Emitted upon receiving a message from the child process/worker.
* @event Shard#message
* @param {*|IPCMessage} message Message that was received
this.emit('message', emitMessage);
* Handles the cluster's process/worker exiting.
* @param {boolean} [respawn=this.manager.respawn] Whether to spawn the cluster again
* @private
_handleExit(respawn = this.manager.respawn) {
* Emitted upon the cluster's child process/worker exiting.
* @event Cluster#death
* @param {Child|Worker} process Child process/worker that exited
this.emit('death', this.thread.process);
this.manager._debug('[DEATH] Cluster died, attempting respawn | Restarts Left: '+ (this.restarts.max - this.restarts.current), this.id);
this.ready = false;
this.thread = null;
if(this.restarts.current >= this.restarts.max) this.manager._debug('[ATTEMPTED_RESPAWN] Attempted Respawn Declined | Max Restarts have been exceeded', this.id);
if (respawn && this.restarts.current < this.restarts.max) this.spawn().catch(err => this.emit('error', err));
* Handles the cluster's process/worker error.
* @param {object} [error] the error, which occurred on the worker/child process
* @private
_handleError(error) {
* Emitted upon the cluster's child process/worker error.
* @event Cluster#error
* @param {Child|Worker} process Child process/worker, where error occurred
this.manager.emit('error', error);
module.exports = Cluster;